Παρασκευή 27 Ιουλίου 2012
Δευτέρα 23 Ιουλίου 2012
A des Potes - Στη Μαλαισίνα
Οι ίδιοι λένε για το τραγούδι "Στη Μαλαισίνα": "Μιλάει για έναν ουτοπικό
προορισμό. Ο τίτλος, ενώ ακούγεται σαν την πόλη της Φθιώτιδας
“Μαλεσίνα”, γράφεται με άλφα γιώτα, εμπεριέχοντας τη “Μαλαισία” και
υποδηλώνοντας κατι το εξωτικό, άπιαστο για τον Έλληνα μεσοαστό. Το
κομμάτι γράφτηκε από το Νικόλαο Αδέσποτο αρχικά για να περιγράψει την
καθημερινότητα ενός φιλικού ζευγαριού. Όμως οι πρώτοι στίχοι χάθηκαν και
στην πορεία μετά από τριπλή τελικά "απόσταξη", έφτασε στο σημείο που το
ακούτε. Ήταν από τα πρώτα κομμάτια που ενορχηστρώθηκαν από το Νίκο
Ζαμπά για το project."
Πέμπτη 19 Ιουλίου 2012
Dahmane El-harrachi - Ya Rayah
يا الرايح وين مسافر تروح تعيا وتولي
شحال ندموا العباد الغافلين قبلك وقبلي
شحال شفت البلدان العامرين والبر الخالي
شحال ضيعت وقات وشحال تصيد مازال تخلي
يا الغايب في بلاد الناس شحال تعيا ما تجري
بيك وعد القدرة ولا الزمان وانت ما تدري
علاش قلبك حزين وعلاش هكدا كي الزاوالي
ما تدوم الشدة وإيلا بقيت عالم واكتبلي
ما يدوموا لايام ولا يدوم صغرك وصغري
يا حليلو مسكين اللي خاب سعدو كي زهري
يا مسافر نعطيك وصايتي اديها عالبكري
شوف ما يصلح بيك قبل ما تبيع وما تشري
يا النايم جاني خبرك كيما صرالك صرالي
هكدا راد وقدر في الجبين سبحانو العا
Oh Emigrant
Oh emigrant, where are you going?
Eventually you must come back
How many ignorant people have regretted this
Before you and me
How many overpopulated countries and empty lands have you seen?
How much time have you wasted?
How much have you yet to lose?
Oh emigrant in the country of others
Do you even know what's going on?
Destiny and time follow their course but you ignore it
Why is your heart so sad?
And why are you staying there miserable?
Hardship will end and you no longer learn or build anything
The days don't last, just as your youth and mine didn't
Oh poor fellow who missed his chance just as I missed mine
Oh traveler, I give you a piece of advice to follow right away
See what is in your interest before you sell or buy
Oh sleeper, your news reached me
And what happened to you happened to me
Thus, the heart returns to its creator, the Highest.
Oh emigrant, where are you going?
Eventually you must come back
How many ignorant people have regretted this
Before you and me
How many overpopulated countries and empty lands have you seen?
How much time have you wasted?
How much have you yet to lose?
Oh emigrant in the country of others
Do you even know what's going on?
Destiny and time follow their course but you ignore it
Why is your heart so sad?
And why are you staying there miserable?
Hardship will end and you no longer learn or build anything
The days don't last, just as your youth and mine didn't
Oh poor fellow who missed his chance just as I missed mine
Oh traveler, I give you a piece of advice to follow right away
See what is in your interest before you sell or buy
Oh sleeper, your news reached me
And what happened to you happened to me
Thus, the heart returns to its creator, the Highest.
Τετάρτη 18 Ιουλίου 2012
Τρίτη 17 Ιουλίου 2012
Οι Baildsa είναι ένα γκρουπ με βάση τη Θεσσαλονίκη που συνδυάζει
βαλκανικούς ήχους και τσιγγάνικες μελωδίες με post punk αισθητική.
Το όνομα προκύπτει από την τουρκικής προεύλευσης λέξη bayılmak (=
λυποθυμώ), το οποίο χρησιμοποιείται ευρέως στα χωριά των βαλκανίων και
με παρεμφερείς σημασίες όπως αγανάκτσα, μπούχτσα κτλ.
Η αρχική ιδέα προήλθε το 2007 από τον Θάνο και Γιάννη Γκουντάνο, σύντομα συγκροτήθηκε
το γκρουπ και ένα χρόνο μετά ξεκίνησαν οι πρώτες συναυλίες. Από τότε οι
Baildsa εμφανίζονται με μανία σε φεστιβάλ, μουσικές σκηνές, μπαρ,
στέκια, δρόμους με περίσσια ενέργεια και δύναμη, δίχως δόντια. Το ύφος
της μπάντας τροποποιήθηκε σταδιακά μπολιάζοντας με νέα στοιχεία ska,
reggae, rap το ήδη υπάρχον βαλκανικό γυφτοπάνκ υπόβαθρο, καταλήγοντας
στην σημερινή σύνθεση με τους: Γιάννη Βαμβακά/ακορντεόν, Γιάννη
Γκουντάνο/τύμπανα, Θάνο Γκουντάνο/κιθάρα, Πασχάλη Καρβουνάρη/τρομπέτα,
Λουκά Μεταξά/μπάσο, Δημήτρη Χαυλίδη/τρομπέτα και Όθων Κόκκινο/ηχοληψία.
Το πρώτο τους CD “United States Of Balkans” κυκλοφόρησε τον Οκτώβρη του
Δευτέρα 16 Ιουλίου 2012
Παρασκευή 13 Ιουλίου 2012
Marietta Fafouti - Kookoobadi
Oh why either day or night (hate me, love me, hate me) i can't see the light?
Cause i found and held your heart (hate me, love me, hate me) but there's no way out...
Kookoobadi Kookoobadi Kookoobadi Koo Koo Koo...
I don't care I'm alone
I am sure I'm not wrong
Maybe it's hard but i'll try to find the way to go on
Hear my voice, now I'm strong
I will fight by my own
Oh I'm leaving you boy, now you're all alone
Oh why is the day so dark? (: hate me, love me, hate me) Oh God my heart is crying!
But I'll wear my shinning smile (: hate me, love me, hate me) and I'll spread the light
Kookoobadi Kookoobadi Kookoobadi Koo Koo Koo...
I don't care I'm alone
I am sure I'm not wrong
Maybe it's hard but i'll try to find the way to go on
Hear my voice, now I'm strong
I will fight by my own
Oh I'm leaving you boy, now you're all alone
Cause i found and held your heart (hate me, love me, hate me) but there's no way out...
Kookoobadi Kookoobadi Kookoobadi Koo Koo Koo...
I don't care I'm alone
I am sure I'm not wrong
Maybe it's hard but i'll try to find the way to go on
Hear my voice, now I'm strong
I will fight by my own
Oh I'm leaving you boy, now you're all alone
Oh why is the day so dark? (: hate me, love me, hate me) Oh God my heart is crying!
But I'll wear my shinning smile (: hate me, love me, hate me) and I'll spread the light
Kookoobadi Kookoobadi Kookoobadi Koo Koo Koo...
I don't care I'm alone
I am sure I'm not wrong
Maybe it's hard but i'll try to find the way to go on
Hear my voice, now I'm strong
I will fight by my own
Oh I'm leaving you boy, now you're all alone
Πέμπτη 12 Ιουλίου 2012
The Knife - Pass This On
I'm in love with your brother
What's his name?
I thought I'd come by to see him again
And when you two danced
Oh, what a dance
And when you two laughed
Oh, what a laugh
Has he mentioned my age love?
Or is he more into young girls with dyed black hair?
I'm in love with your brother
I thought I'd come by
I'm in love with your brother
Yes, I am
But maybe I shouldn't ask for his name
And you danced
Oh, what a dance
And you laughed
Oh, what a laugh
Does he know what I do?
And you'll pass this on, won't you?
And if I ask him once what would he say?
Is he willing?
Can he play?
If I ask him once what would he say?
Is he willing? Can he play?
Does he know what I do?
And you'll pass this on, won't you?
And if I ask him once what would he say?
Is he willing? Can he play?
I wasn't really looking for some more than
Some company on the dance floor
And does he know what I do?
And you'll pass this on, won't you and
I wasn't really looking for some more than
Some company on the dance floor
And does he know what I do?
And you'll pass this on, won't you and
Does he know what I do?
And you'll pass this on, won't you?
And if I ask him once what would he say?
Is he willing? Can he play?
I wasn't really looking for some more than
Some company on the dance floor
And does he know what I do?
And you'll pass this on, won't you and
I wasn't really looking for some more than
Some company on the dance floor
And does he know what I do?
And you'll pass this on, won't you and
I wasn't really looking for some more than
Some company on the dance floor
And does he know what I do?
And you'll pass this on, won't you and
I wasn't really looking for some more than...
What's his name?
I thought I'd come by to see him again
And when you two danced
Oh, what a dance
And when you two laughed
Oh, what a laugh
Has he mentioned my age love?
Or is he more into young girls with dyed black hair?
I'm in love with your brother
I thought I'd come by
I'm in love with your brother
Yes, I am
But maybe I shouldn't ask for his name
And you danced
Oh, what a dance
And you laughed
Oh, what a laugh
Does he know what I do?
And you'll pass this on, won't you?
And if I ask him once what would he say?
Is he willing?
Can he play?
If I ask him once what would he say?
Is he willing? Can he play?
Does he know what I do?
And you'll pass this on, won't you?
And if I ask him once what would he say?
Is he willing? Can he play?
I wasn't really looking for some more than
Some company on the dance floor
And does he know what I do?
And you'll pass this on, won't you and
I wasn't really looking for some more than
Some company on the dance floor
And does he know what I do?
And you'll pass this on, won't you and
Does he know what I do?
And you'll pass this on, won't you?
And if I ask him once what would he say?
Is he willing? Can he play?
I wasn't really looking for some more than
Some company on the dance floor
And does he know what I do?
And you'll pass this on, won't you and
I wasn't really looking for some more than
Some company on the dance floor
And does he know what I do?
And you'll pass this on, won't you and
I wasn't really looking for some more than
Some company on the dance floor
And does he know what I do?
And you'll pass this on, won't you and
I wasn't really looking for some more than...
Τετάρτη 11 Ιουλίου 2012
Σάββατο 7 Ιουλίου 2012
Πέμπτη 5 Ιουλίου 2012
Γιώργης Χριστοδούλου - Φάβα
Στίχοι - Πάνος Σουρούνης
Δεν ψάχνω στιχάκια να γίνω βεντέτα
να βρώ μια νύφη να φάτε κουφέτα
τον εαυτό μου αυτόν κατατρέχω
με όσο κουράγιο και δύναμη έχω
και δεν προλαβαίνω μα τρέχω
δεν θέλω ν'ακούσω άλλα λόγια μεγάλα
τ'αστέρια να πιάσεις να πάρεις μια σκάλα
αν είναι μωρό μου να μείνουμε φίλοι
γιατί πια μου ψήνεις το ψάρι στα χείλη
και μ'έχεις κάνει ρεζίλι
Τη δικιά μου την πόρτα
δε χτυπάς όπως πρώτα
κι αν αργήσεις άλλο λίγο
τότε δε θα σου ανοίγω
έχει λάκο η φάβα
συννεφιά στη λιακάδα
μια ζέστη μια κρύο
μια στο ναι και δυό στο αντίο
όταν όμως θα με χάνεις
τρέχοντας δε θα με φτάνεις
Δυο μέρες μετράω χωρίς μια σου λέξη
συχνά αναρωτιέμαι γιατί έχω μπλέξει
ως πότε θα αντέχω αυτή σου τη στάση
σε βρίσκω στα λόγια σε χάνω στην πράξη
και σ'έχω μη βρέξει μη στάξει
μαζί μου δεν ξέρεις τι σε περιμένει
κι αν πας για μαλλί ίσως βγείς κουρεμένη
όπως πάμε θα δεις αστεράκια
γι'αυτό μη μου κάνεις κολπάκια
δεν είμαι σαν τα άλλα παιδάκια
Τη δικιά μου την πόρτα
δε χτυπάς όπως πρώτα
κι αν αργήσεις άλλο λίγο
τότε δε θα σου ανοίγω
έχει λάκο η φάβα
συννεφιά στη λιακάδα
μια ζέστη μια κρύο
μια στο ναι και δυό στο αντίο
όταν όμως θα με χάνεις
τρέχοντας δε θα με φτάνεις
παλιοκόριτσο κοίτα
δεν αντέχω την ήττα
το παιχνίδι σου θα παίξω
όσο με πάρει κι όσο αντέξω
όταν όμως θα με χάνεις
τρέχοντας δε θα με φτάνεις
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